logNormReg 0.5-0 (2021-11-08)
- summary and print.summary return the (pseudo) R2 based on the log values
- two datasets (palermo and paris) included
logNormReg 0.4-0 (2021-10-12)
- lognlm(.., lik=FALSE) accepts argument 'weights' (thanks to Vito Ilacqua (Env Prot Ag) for his input). 'lik=FALSE' is the default now.
- changes in vcov.lognlm: argument 'sandw' removed (it is always TRUE) and new argument 'exH' added.
- if lik=FALSE the dispersion parameter is estimated taking n-p rather then n in the denominator.
- type='gradient' in confint.lognlm() is allowed even for non-likelihood fits obtained via lik=FALSE.
- extractAIC() optionally can return the BIC (by setting k<=0).
logNormReg 0.3-0 (2019-10-16)
- Function extractAIC.lognlm() introduced: drop1(), step() and friends are allowed (thanks to Ralph Pirow (German Federal Inst. Risk Assessment) for suggestion)
- bug fixed: logLik.lognlm() did not return the attributes "edf" and "nobs"
logNormReg 0.2-0 (2018-10-16)
- Method confint.lognlm introduced to compute confidence intervals via the Wald the Likelihood Ratio or the Gradient statistics
- bug fixed: the offset term was not handled correctly in lognlm()
logNormReg 0.1-0
- First public release on ResearchGate with functions:
lognlm,, logLik.lognlm, print.lognlm, print.summary.lognlm, summary.lognlm, vcov.lognlm